Recent content by Flintlock

  1. Flintlock

    Leave of absence

    I wasn't sure, because I was still able to access the admin panel last week. It's fixed now. Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
  2. Flintlock

    Leave of absence

    Hi everyone. I hope it's alright to necro my own thread. I didn't feel like making a new one. I often wondered when I would come back to TLS. I thought about it at the start of this year but it was too soon. Then I told myself I'd wait until I had some good news to share with you but there...
  3. Flintlock

    TLS 10th anniversary shenanigans!

    Just popping by to wish you all a very happy birthdayversary! And congratulations on what seems like a very successful move to new forum software. See you around. :glomp:
  4. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    Hi, I was chatting with Crash last week and she brought up this thread, specifically that momentum seems to be swinging towards Xenforo and that some people have concerns about throwing away the work I've done on Discourse already. I felt the need to make a post. From a purely personal...
  5. Flintlock

    Leave of absence

    You may have noticed that I haven't been around much since February's Kupocon in London. I'm not sure how much you all know about what happened but I'm not going to go over it here. I don't feel the need to get "my side" of the story out. Suffice to say I felt (and still feel) terrible about my...
  6. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    I've taken the Discourse theme as far as I intend to for the time being. As far as I'm concerned, it is decent enough now that it should not be considered a blocker for migration. There are still things that can be improved but that will be an ongoing process. And there are still non-theme...
  7. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    I dunno. That page says:
  8. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    That was my fault but I noticed it myself earlier today. It should be fixed now. I've been doing incremental work on the theme most days for the past week or so but it's slow going. One interesting thing I've noticed is that Discourse chooses how to present itself not by browser/viewport width...
  9. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    The "reorder categories" feature is kinda broken. It assigns every category a priority (0, 1, 2, 3...) and uses those priorities to determine the order categories should be displayed in. Clicking the "move up" arrow on category 3 should swap it with category 2, but it doesn't; instead it does 3...
  10. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    It turns out that the CSS was saved but the colour scheme and some other customisations disappeared. It's gonna take a while just to get things back to where they were before, which is frustrating. In the meantime I applied the standard dark colour scheme to the theme, so at least most things...
  11. Flintlock

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    I was planning to work on the theme today but post-migration my account no longer has the necessary permissions. :P Edit: The theme is also looking a lot worse now than it did when I last checked. Not sure if that's due to the migration or a Discourse software upgrade breaking things.
  12. Flintlock

    Hello! New Here

    Hello! A lot of us are, or have been, away at Kupocon for a few days now, so you've had fewer welcome messages then normal, but rest assured that you are no less welcome than normal. :) See you around!
  13. Flintlock

    New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)

    So I've played this now – my first experience with any Dissidia game. It was reasonably fun, not something I'd consider buying though.
  14. Flintlock

    Pomingham Palace (KupoCon London 2018)

    Now I am the doofus: Discord has a 10-user limit on group chats (which is dumb). We'll have to use Messenger. Joe's gonna set it up tomorrow. I'm pretty sure everyone going is Facebook friends with at least one other person going so it shouldn't be too hard. Sorry for the confusion.
  15. Flintlock

    Pomingham Palace (KupoCon London 2018)

    What if you need to take a dump on Sunday morning? I'm not planning your entire itinerary, you doofus. :monster: I said "roughly". Double doofus. :awesomonster: Nah but it's because some of us need to be at the apartment at 16:00. P.S. Due to a lack of space in my suitcase and lack of interest...
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