Happy birthday RedFFWolf!!


Pro Adventurer
Or rather, happy birthday Alan!! :reptar: You're one of the most awesome guys I know, and that's no joke <3 I hope you're having a fantastic day so far (and if not, that it turns into a fantastic one this very moment!)
You'll always be a close friend and thank you for being there for me in times I needed it, and for the myriad of wonderful conversations we've had so far. ^_^

Have a very happy birthday today!!
<3 And if you don't like cake,
And if you don't like pie here's some


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Happy Birthday, hope you've had a great day cos you deserve it! :properhug:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Happy birthday, you beautiful man! <3


Thank you everyone so very much for the birthday wishes.
Truly, they are all I would ever want or need on a day like it. And there's nothing quite like a TLS thread where people can bombard with pics of Nanaki :D (that I might not have seen, but I'm sure I've cleaned the internet at this rate :P)

From all of you here on this thread, or through FB, Messenger, the KC group page (seriously, you came from all angles :lol:) - it means so much to me. My birthday ego is through the roof right now!

The day was really nice. Wasn't at work, didn't do KC work (break from the laptop, more than anything, save for some writing that night!), and escaped to some places I like. I work hard, and play...leisurely...I need rest and peace, okay? :lol:

Glaring sun among an overcast
Reeks of "Emerald Isle", really :monster:










Also, I opened the mystery box, which did indeed turn out to be Alex of KupoCon.
Honestly, what a kindhearted brat (brat because this was way too big a thing to be giving me)! I'll get him back, for sure!

And I rounded off yesterday night by completing my book! Standing at 150,000 words (would be good if I could cut down by about 10,000-20,000, ha), it's been a heck of a journey. Months of editing ahead, but from start to finish, and all the bits in the middle, it's there. Pretty surreal, right now. While out today it hit in, as the last piece of music I listened to in the last section played, and the imagery came to mind (I welled up, ha! Tears didn't roll, but they were in the socket - and I was wearing sunglasses, so no one had to see my spontaneous burst :P)

Anyone who knows me through FB especially knows I reply to every post, so here goes:

Or rather, happy birthday Alan!! :reptar: You're one of the most awesome guys I know, and that's no joke <3 I hope you're having a fantastic day so far (and if not, that it turns into a fantastic one this very moment!)
You'll always be a close friend and thank you for being there for me in times I needed it, and for the myriad of wonderful conversations we've had so far. ^_^

Have a very happy birthday today!!
<3 And if you don't like cake,
And if you don't like pie here's some

Thank you so very much, Flare. Your words never fail to move me! Likewise, you are a true friend, and one I have the honour of knowing as such.
(And I've worked it out since our last chat - I did see that cake before, haha).

Thank you ^_^
(I've seen it many times, but I've never really taken the time to wonder if it would even taste good or not!)

Happy B-day!

Thank you, sir ^_^
I've said it before but while I have you in the clutch of my reply, I'm delighted I'll be seeing you again in Feb!

Happy Not Dead Yet Day!

Cheers! :D
You know, I surprise myself every year by making it, I really do.

Wishes of a most pleasant celebration of your annual solar rotation!!!~

X :neo:

Thank you, X!
The aim is to get through another rotation :D

Happy Birthday, hope you've had a great day cos you deserve it! :properhug:

Thank you :properhug:
It was a very nice day.

Happy birthday my friend <3.

Thank you, Lex!
Much love to you, as always ?


Happy birthday!

It's a stunning pic ^_^ - Seen it before as well as other similar ones. Delighted to be seeing the pics :D
Thank you! Much appreciated.

Happy birthday Red! <3 We love you so much!

Breithla shona duit, mo chara :monster:

Go raibh mile maith agat! Bhi la iontach agam.
Much appreciated, Keveh ^_^

Happy birthday fellow canine brother!

Thank you! :)
Statistically speaking, people whose usernames contain "wolf" are 99% the same type of people :lol: - So, yes, I hereby accept this statement to its fullest!

Happy Birthday :monster:. Might edit later with cake :monster:

Thank you, Ghost!
I shall await cake - I shall await it patiently or impatiently. That's up to you to decide :lol:

Happy birthday, you beautiful man! <3

Thank you so very much, you beautiful woman! ^_^
Much appreciated :properhug:
One month!!


But I could never eat it. I would only pet it. :'(

For real, thank you so much! ^_^
Regardless of Steve, very much appreciated!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope your day was wonderful! Love ya :properhug: x

Thanks, Sara!
It was indeed a great day, as you know from the running commentary I gave ya last night :D Love ya, too :properhug:

Happy, happy birthday to you! :joy:

Thank you very much :)
Greatly appreciated!

HAPPY BIRFDAY ALAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :reptar:


Aww, shucks, I don't do enough, really ^_^
Thank you. I really appreciate it :properhug:

This is what it means to feel "cannot even".
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