
Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm endlessly fascinated by the Remake's depiction of how Cloud's memories are fucked up.

Like, it's making a lot more sense how they've hinted at Cloud's fragmented mental state in Part 1.

Cloud remembers being imprisoned and experimented on by Shinra. And needing to escape from Hojo as shown in Chapter 14.

"I saw you lying there. I figured it was too late."

This is 100% inaccurate. We know Cloud carried Tifa, cradled her, and felt to see if she were alive, while she was unconscious.

But from Zack's perspective?

It isn't inaccurate at all. Zack shared no such intimate moment with Tifa. She was just left lying there after he briefly tried to talk to her.

Think back to Chapter 7 of FFVII-R. Before the Airbuster fight.

Cloud has a flashback of Tifa saying her iconic line, stating how sick of SOLDIER she is.

Cloud thinks to himself, "It's just like... When I failed you."

But think back at who Tifa directed those biting words to. "Sephiroth... SOLDIERs... Mako... Shinra... I'm sick of this. I'm sick of ALL of this!" Who was she speaking to?

Cloud wasn't there for that moment. Zack was.

I'm reminded of how the explanation for Cloud's false persona in FFVII was a mixture of his own inadequacy, Jenova cells filling giving him the info of what happened with the blanks filled in with some of Zack's recollections, and how he was never just a clear Zack copy in terms of how he saw himself.

But the hilarity now is, Cloud is emulating Zack much more than before. Especially with the potential of him literally transposing himself in his role all the way down to looking for who he escaped with...


Alex T
Not to stir up trouble, but that Remake datamine that included references to launching "CC", "Part 2", and "Part 3" should be... reevaluated? I don't think Remake as we know it will ever actually launch those titles, plans change mid-development, but with Crisis Core Reunion and confirmation that this is a trilogy, it sure does line up well now!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What's there to re-evaluate? They stated it was a DLC episode, not of the actual Crisis Core, but one based on Zack within the other timeline. Furthermore they stated they got the model of Zack from said encrypted DLC when it came from the main game, while the person who was actually ripping the models, was Sreliata. Not some member of their group.

Not quite sure how them making an accurate guess about the relevancy of Crisis Core thanks to Zack requires a re-evaluation, especially when they lied about their source.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
This first trailer reminds me a lot of the original trailers for FFVII Remake. They have a ton of shit already finished and they are not going to show us much at all for a while. Which is totally fine and I’m good with that. The fact that they barely even showed us any characters at all makes me believe that Remake was a huge financial success for them. This trailer was absolutely not trying to sell any new players on this game. I think they’re operating with massive confidence right now and they know this will be huge. I mean, of course it will.

Am I excited? I couldn’t be more excited. Winter 2024, a trilogy, the whole nine yards. Do I love the Zack stuff? No, I don’t love it. I don’t dislike it either! It’s whatever. I’m just here to hang out with the old crew and Square earned so much good will from Part I that I am extremely confident this game will blow away our already gigantic expectations.

So, serendipitously I happen to be playing FFVII OG for the first time in over a decade and just finished the Northern Crater. With the knowledge now that this is a trilogy, I can kind of see that FFVII is dense but it’s not that dense. The script itself is heavily focused in Midgar. Once you leave, the characters get like maaaaybe one or two dialogue boxes per town. I hope they expand that in Rebirth. I’ve been seeing a lot of “they’re gonna have to do a ton of cuts” online and I completely disagree. It think they can definitely pull this off and deliver both what we’ve been waiting for (revisiting the old locations and characters like Dyne and Bugenhagen) and the new mind fuckery stuff they want as well. Each town is basically a chapter from FFVII Remake. Gongaga is like, Jessie’s parents house. Etc etc.

Anyway, hype levels at max. Obviously it doesn’t feel as insanely exciting as the reveal for the Remake. But it’s not supposed to. We’re already on this train. This is serious business now.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, I wonder what stream he was watching.

>What is Sephiroth's endgame?

>"He wants to reclaim his birthright. And rule over the planet with Jenova at his side."


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AI Researcher
that press release mentions 4 project being developed. that's rebirth, cc remaster/make, ever crisis, and... something else? or are they counting first soldier in that since it's a live service game?

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Wow, I wonder what stream what he was watching.

>What is Sephiroth's endgame?

>"He wants to reclaim his birthright. And rule over the planet with Jenova at his side."


View attachment 12558

Man, don’t get me started. Let’s just say I’m not a fan of certain media personalities that made their name attaching themselves to this project. I thought it was pretty clear from the Crisis Core trailer that… they’re remastering Crisis Core.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Man, don’t get me started. Let’s just say I’m not a fan of certain media personalities that made their name attaching themselves to this project. I thought it was pretty clear from the Crisis Core trailer that… they’re remastering Crisis Core.


You must create content, as a content creator.

Even if that means saying the most batcrap crazy conclusions on almost little to no evidence.

Dirge remake please I beg

The odds are in our favor.

Let's hope we don't get a straight remaster though.

A Devil May Cry inspired remake of Dirge of Cerberus, with Ryota Suzuki as the battle director, would be fucking....



Kaiju Member
I'm endlessly fascinated by the Remake's depiction of how Cloud's memories are fucked up.

Like, it's making a lot more sense how they've hinted at Cloud's fragmented mental state in Part 1.

Cloud remembers being imprisoned and experimented on by Shinra. And needing to escape from Hojo as shown in Chapter 14.

"I saw you lying there. I figured it was too late."

This is 100% inaccurate. We know Cloud carried Tifa, cradled her, and felt to see if she were alive, while she was unconscious.
I think that line is likely just a rephrasing of the OG line where Cloud said he thought Tifa was a goner.


Dirge probably needs to go an extra mile for a remaster like Nier Replicant did. Overhaul the gameplay and make it, I dunno, not quite so dull.

...I'd be salty if CC and DC get remasters with the awesome Remake cast and ACC sticks with a lazy 480p to 4K upscale and the same dull-ass line reads and direction from 2005. At the very least a redub would've actually given me a reason to buy the 4K disc.


Pro Adventurer


Ninja Potato
...I'd be salty if CC and DC get remasters with the awesome Remake cast and ACC sticks with a lazy 480p to 4K upscale and the same dull-ass line reads and direction from 2005. At the very least a redub would've actually given me a reason to buy the 4K disc.
I was thinking, if they Remake Dirge of Cerberus, ACC will be the only piece of the story using the old English VAs lol


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think that line is likely just a rephrasing of the OG line where Cloud said he thought Tifa was a goner.
View attachment 12560

Maybe, but even in the OG that's inaccurate.

And with how the depiction was changed in Crisis Core, we know that that wasn't how it went down. I think the CC's rendition of Nibelheim is most important regarding the memory in the Remake.
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Kaiju Member
Maybe, but even in the OG that's inaccurate.

And with how the depiction was changed in Crisis Core, we know that that wasn't how it went down. I think the CC's rendition of Nibelheim is most important regarding the memory in the Remake.
I mean even in the OG Cloud still picked up Tifa, and held her in his arms, both in the fake flashback and the actual true events. I don’t see how it’s inaccurate though? Saying that he thought it was too late for Tifa doesn’t mean he thought Tifa was already dead, it can also easily mean he thought Tifa’s wounds were fatal and she would succumb to them soon.


Alex T
For anyone interested in technicalities, which I sure am, the press releases use "the Remake Project" when referring to Remake, Rebirth, and the third title. Probably just me, but I've always wondered what we should call this massive decade-spanning thing.

Seeing influences who bounced off Remake hard, then return to comment on the latest developments is always funny to me. Like, why are you engaging with a thing you supposedly don't like???


Pro Adventurer
It means nothing's carrying over from Part 1 :monster:

That's not what I'm getting out of the last two sentences in the paragraph.

I'm still thinking we'll get the same main story points, but those sentences do give me a little pause.
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